Ash Wednesday is on February 17, 2021 and this year ashes at St. Gerald will be distributed in a different manner than the past.
Our services are as follows:
8:00 AM Mass-Reservation Required
4:30 PM Ashes Only-Reservation Required
5:30 PM Ashes Only-Reservations Required
7:00 PM Mass-Reservations Required
You may call the parish office at 708-422-0234 for reservations or online
In order to provide a safe distribution, ashes will be distributed in the following manner:
1. After blessing the ashes and sprinkling them with holy water in silence, the priest will address those present, reciting general prayers.
2. The ushers will instruct the attendees pew by pew to line up while keeping everyone socially distant.
3. The priest or minister will then put on a face mask and a shield, sanitizes his/her hands and distributes ashes to those who come to him by sprinkling the ashes on top of each person’s head without saying anything.
4. Once you have received your ashes please go back to your pew and leave after closing prayers and as directed by the ushers.
5. Please remember masks must be worn at all times while inside the church.
6. Thank you for your patience and understanding.