CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION Please join us on Sunday, June 2 at the 11am Mass followed by our Corpus Christi Procession. We invite children ages 6-12 to participate in the front of the formal procession. First Communicants are encouraged to wear their dresses and suits. The name Corpus Christi is Latin for the Body of Christ. The jubilant festival is celebrated by Roman Catholics and other Christians to proclaim the truth of the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the actual Body of Christ during Mass. The procession is the highlight and focus of the feast day as we all take part in the procession. Weather permitting, there will be 4 outdoor altars decorated by the following ministries:
Music ministry
Women's Club
Adoration ministry
HNS/Knights of Columbus
During the procession, we will stop at each altar for prayers to the Blessed Sacrament presented in the monstrance.