We are all aware of the terrible toll that the pandemic has taken on our world and how we have lived our lives for the past two years. The impact personally and medically on so many families has been devastating. Economically and financially our livelihoods and our cherished institutions including our schools and churches are hurting and struggling, like you, to meet ever increasing expenses. The
Gerald heating bill for the period January 8th to February 7th was $9019.79. We are grateful for your support in these tough times. Your donations to the Building & Renovation Fund have allowed us to make much needed improvements to the rectory. Work also needs to be done on the church roof and windows to stop leaks from becoming an even bigger problem. Your understanding and generosity are deeply appreciated.
Additionally the sound system in the church needs to be overhauled and upgraded. That cost is $9000.
Getting the organ fixed and playable cost over $4000. In an effort to help meet these two necessary costs which can and will enhance our worship experience we will have second collection on the weekend of May 21st and 22nd. We ask for your continued support and, as always, are grateful for and humbled by your love for St. Gerald. Thank you for all you do in so many ways and know that your sacrifices will go a long way in making our parish community stronger, more vibrant and a living sign of our love for Christ and our service to one another.